
Presentation of the publication

Wednesday October 22.
19.00 h
Sala Conferenze
Goethe-Institut Rom, Via Savoia 15

ROMA, CITTÀ AUTOPRODOTTA. Ricerca urbana e linguaggi artistici. Authors S.M.U.R. Self made Urbanism Rome
(edited by C. Cellamare), Manifestolibri
Presented by: Massimo Ilardi
Panel discussion: From the self built city to commons. Urban commons, the informal production of the city,actions, everyday practices and theory. Rethinking the multiple processes of Self Made Urbanism on the ground and connecting them with the debate on "commons" in the city centers.
Interventions by: authors and artists of the publication, Hou Hanru (atistic director MAXXI) and activists of Teatro Valle Occupato. The discussion is open to the audience.
Download Flyer presentation Roma Città Autoprodotta (407 KB)

The material construction of the city

Friday October 24.
14.30 h - open end

Metropoliz, Via Prenestina 913

For centuries Rome has evolved by means of the material and social production of its citizens, in their practices of daily life and in various urban cultures that form the city. This social production responds to various necessities of its territories, from the urgency to satisfy primary needs like housing to the creation of social and cultural spaces. These practices draw a counter-geography of spaces inside the planned city. They are a result of self-organization, of internal and international migration, of acts of resistance to the dynamics of neoliberal development, of relational conflicts and a practice of the right to the city that in the current phase reformulates urban spaces as commons.

14.30 - 18.00
14.30 presentation of the initiative: S.M.U.R. / Teatro Valle Occupato / Metropoliz
15.00 introduction to the project S.M.U.R.: Jochen Becker, Carlo Cellamare, Christian Hanussek, Alessandro Lanzetta, Antonella Perin, Susanna Perin

Presentations and screnings:
15.30 Christian Hanussek “Spaccateste”
15.45 Peter Lang "Border Complex"
16.00 Stefano Montesi“Shish Mahal”
16.30 Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremic “The Housing question”
17.00 interventions by:
Roberto de Angelis, Monica Rossi, inhabitants, Metropoliz and Popica Onlus activists

18.00 – 20.00
18.00 Reading on the right to the city curated by: Teatro Valle Occupato
18.30 Tobias Zielony “C.P.A. The Street“
18.45 Antonella Perin, Susanna Perin, Alessandro Lanzetta “Sketches on Valle Borghesiana“
19.15 Talks and discussions: on the construction of the city as common good. Introduced by: Carlo Cellamare
Interventions by: Chiara Belingardi, consorzi di autorecupero urbano di Valle Borghesiana, Associazione di Quartiere, Collina della Pace

Cena meticcia/ mestizo dinner

21.30 - open end
21.30 flusso art interventions
22.00 Reading “New York Regina Underground” by Davide Grasso
22.30 ConSiderAzioni nella Città Maternale -Andrea Falchi per collettiva Geologika

23.00 djset
Mondo Cane liveset/ Radio Popolare Roma/ gypsy reggae & balkan beats feat. Sandrinovic [trumpet from Kaligola Disco Bazar]

The immaterial construction of the city

Practices, visions and imaginaries in comparison

Saturday October 25.
Metropoliz, Via Prenestina 913

11.00 - 13.00
11.00 Alexander Schellow “Utopologies “
11.30 Sandra Schäfer “Notes of Pasolini’s Form of a City”
12.00 Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo “From Thousands of Possibilities”
Interventions by:
Christian Hanussek, Sandra Schäfer, Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo, Giorgio de Finis,  aamod> Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico


15.00 - 19.00
15.00 Klaus Schafler „Breazy Park„ intervention by: Andrea Priori
15.30 Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber “Occupy Ideologies”
16.00 Francesco Macarone Palmieri “Storia dei centri sociali e movimenti culturali a Roma”
16.30 Roundtable: the immaterial construction of the city
interventions by:
Teatro Valle Occupato, Metropoliz, Asilo Filangieri (Napoli), Macao (Milano), Cavallerizza (Torino), SCUP (Roma), Cinema Palazzo (Roma)

Cena meticcia/ mestizo dinner

21.00 - 24.00
21.00 art interventions mix
22.30 milonga

Urban transformation and “Mapping Roma Est”

Sunday October 26.
11.00 - 17.00 h
Metropoliz, Via Prenestina 913

The eastern section of Rome (Casilina/Prenestina/Tiburtina) is undergoing important transformations related to processes of de-industrialization with a highly speculative urban and economic restructuration that is changing the social composition. The project of collective self-inquiry wants to reconstruct the maps of urban transformations and of the different resistances.
Speakers: Metropoliz, realities and local nodes

11.00 - 13.00 Guided Tour through Metropoliz and MAAM
15.00 – 17.00 Urban transformation and launch of the collective self-inquiry project: “Mapping Roma Est”
Presentation of: web-doc "4Stelle Hotel " by Valerio Muscella and Paolo Palermo
Screening of the movie: "Apollon, una fabbrica occupata" by Ugo Gregoretti

S.M.U.R. Installation

During the events a S.M.U.R. space will be installed at Metropoliz with excerpts of art works and video installations by:
Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber, Christian Hanussek, Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo, Stefano Montesi, Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremic, Klaus Schafler, Antonella Perin, Susanna Perin, Alessandro Lanzetta, Sandra Schäfer, Alexander Schellow, Tobias Zielony.

And artistic raids by Folle Amore (produced by Teatro valle Occupato)

Admission by subscription: 3 €

Metropoliz, Via Prenestina 913 (autobus/ bus 314, 501, 508)